In 2010, a new vaccination was added to the Dutch National Immunization Program: the HPV vaccination. This vaccination protects against the human papillomavirus (HPV). Nearly everyone (80-90% of all people) will be infected with this virus at some point in their life. Usually, you won’t notice it, but in some cases, an HPV infection can lead to cancer. In the Netherlands, this happens to an average of 1,100 women and 400 men each year. To prevent this, you can get vaccinated. collaborates with “Samen tegen HPV” to increase knowledge and awareness about HPV and HPV vaccinations.
Who can get vaccinated against HPV?
Initially, the HPV vaccination was only offered to girls. When an HPV infection results in cancer, it is cervical cancer in over 70% of cases. Therefore, the HPV vaccination is primarily known for its ability to prevent this disease. However, an infection with the virus can also lead to other types of cancer, including those of the mouth and throat, anus, penis, vagina, and vulva. Since 2022, the vaccination has also been offered to boys. This way, they are protected against the other types of cancer caused by HPV and contribute to better protection against HPV among the entire population.
Human papillomavirus is sexually transmitted. The more people are protected against the virus, the less it occurs and the less it is transmitted. Therefore, it is important that both girls and boys receive the vaccination.
When can you get vaccinated against HPV?
The HPV vaccination according to the National Immunization Program consists of two shots, with at least six months between them. The invitation for the first shot is sent in the year a child turns 10, but the decision can also be made later. Teenagers up to 18 years old can get vaccinated against HPV for free through the Dutch National Immunization Program.
Additionally, a catch-up campaign started in 2022 to give young adults who have not yet received the vaccination one last chance to get it for free through the Dutch National Immunization Program. Those born after 1996 could get the first shot in 2022 and 2023. The second shot could be received until June 1, 2024. If you were born after 1996 and want to be vaccinated but didn’t get the first shot during the catch-up campaign, you can contact the GGD to discuss the options.
HPV vaccinations for adults
Even at a later age, when you are already sexually active or have had an HPV infection, vaccination can protect you against HPV. Were you born before 1996? Then you can no longer get vaccinated for free through the Dutch National Immunization Program. However, you can get vaccinated at your own expense. You can book an appointment with your GP or a specialist, such as
What to expect from the HPV Vaccination?
The HPV vaccination is administered through an injection in your upper arm muscle. Shortly afterward, you may experience some pain or itching around the injection site and muscle pain. Some people experience abdominal pain, headache, fatigue, nausea, or a fever for 1 to 3 days. The HPV vaccination has been administered in the Netherlands since 2010 and no serious side effects have ever been reported during that time.
It is not yet clear how long the protection from the HPV vaccination lasts. However, we do know that the protection lasts at least ten years.
It is important to know that you are not protected against all types of cervical cancer. Therefore, even if you are vaccinated, it’s important to participate in the cervical cancer screening program from the age of 30.
The Gardasil 9 HPV vaccination offers the Gardasil 9 HPV vaccination. This protects against more types of HPV than the vaccination administered by the Dutch National Immunization Program; it covers the most common high-risk HPV types as well as the most common low-risk HPV types.
Get the HPV vaccination at
Do you want to get vaccinated against HPV? You can schedule an appointment with
Want to know more about the vaccination or book an appointment right away? Contact us at or call 085-9020303. One of our vaccination experts will assist you.