Dit blog is gepubliceerd op 26 februari 2023
Shingles awareness week
Everyone has probably heard about shingles, but few people know exactly what kind of disease it is and how to recognise shingles. Shingles is a severe disease, according to the Dutch Health Council (GR).
For the first time in the Netherlands, a Shingles Awareness Week will be organised from 27 February to 5 March 2023. By Samenwerkingsverband Pijnpatiënten naar één stem, International Federation on Aging (IFA), the GGD platform and GSK, awareness will be raised about shingles. The aim is to create more awareness with the following media campaign; Shingles has many faces. One in four people will have a story of their own. Share your story (at www.aandachtvoorgordelroos.nl).
In the Netherlands but also in surrounding countries, awareness is raised about the symptoms and the impact that shingles can have on a person’s life.
Because the immune system weakens as a person ages, the risk of getting shingles increases at older age. The virus that causes shingles can suddenly become active again. Anyone who has ever had chickenpox can get it. People usually recover from shingles on their own. Nevertheless, shingles can be very painful and sometimes cause nerve pain that can persist for a long time. This pain can last for months or in some cases years in the form of burning pain or tingling, or hypersensitivity to touch, heat or cold.
www.aandachtvoorgordelroos.nl provides more information about shingles and allows everyone to share their own stories. By sharing stories, shingles becomes relatable to everyone and different experiences and information can be shared.
Prevention of Shingles
A vaccine that helps prevent shingles and nerve pain after shingles is available for people aged 50 and over. This vaccine, called Shingrix, is specifically designed for people who have had chickenpox before. The vaccine contains proteins from the surface of the virus that causes shingles. The vaccine also contains a number of substances that boost the immune system’s response to the virus.
Because the body is able to produce antibodies against the virus more quickly after the vaccination, the risk of developing shingles is significantly reduced. Clinical trials showed Shingrix to be 90% effective in preventing shingles in people over 50 years old. In many countries, Shingrix is widely given to elderly people aged 60+, there have been very good results with this vaccine.
Vaccination reimbursement
If you meet a number of (strict) criteria, a shingles vaccination is covered by basic health insurance. Check with your health insurance company whether the vaccination is (partially) covered.
For more information on vaccination costs, please visit our rates page.
Would you like to book an appointment for a vaccination right away? Call 085 902 03 03.