Dit blog is gepubliceerd op 3 juni 2023
Although you don’t want to think about it happening to you, some journeys carry the risk of contracting malaria. Fortunately, there are several measures you can take to protect yourself against this disease. In this blog, we will list them for you.
Know what to expect
Before your trip, you probably spend most of your time figuring out what to expect from your travel destination when it comes to culture and activities. To make sure you can fully enjoy this, it is important to also find out what you can expect from your destination in terms of health. Find out well in advance which diseases are common in the area you are travelling to. You can take preventive measures against many of these diseases (in some cases, such as yellow fever, this is even obligatory!) to protect yourself.
Malaria is mainly found in warm, humid regions, thus especially in parts of Asia, Africa and South America. Besides malaria, other diseases can also be found here. When you book an appointment at vaccinatiecentrum.nl, one of our traveller’s nurses will check with you what diseases are common in your country of destination and will give you personal advice based on your health and travel plans.
Preventive measures against malaria
It is best to minimise the risk of infection. You do this by properly protecting yourself from mosquito bites, as this is how the disease is spread. Malaria mosquitoes are mostly active at night and early in the morning, so it is important to sleep under an impregnated mosquito net. Mosquitoes hate moving air, so if there is an air conditioner or fan at your sleeping accommodation, that’s a big plus.
It is also wise to wear covering clothes, i.e. long trousers (tuck your pant legs into your socks for extra protection) and long-sleeved outerwear. In addition, apply mosquito repellent with DEET to uncovered skin.
Malaria pills as additional protection
There is no vaccine against malaria. However, there are pills you can take to prevent malaria. When travelling to Asia or South America, you can take these pills with you for emergencies so that you can treat yourself against malaria if necessary. Are you travelling to Africa? Then vaccinatiecentrum.nl recommends a preventive course of treatment in some cases. This means taking malaria pills during your trip to prevent you from getting sick. During your appointment, we will discuss what would be the best option for you and which malaria pills are most suitable for you. We will write the prescription during the appointment. Preventive materials such as a mosquito net or mosquito repellent are available with us.
Are you going to travel? Vaccinatiecentrum.nl is your first stop
If you plan to travel, book an appointment at vaccinatiecentrum.nl well in advance. Our traveller’s nurses will give you personal advice and take care of the necessary travel vaccinations and any prescriptions for travel medication. Together, we will make sure you travel healthy and return home healthy.