Japanese Encephalitis
What is Japanese encephalitis?
Japanese encephalitis is a viral infection caused by a flavivirus. The first symptoms often appear within five to 15 days. In most people, infection causes no or mild symptoms. These are mainly flu-like symptoms with muscle pain and headache. In a small number of cases, the infection develops into meningitis, which can cause seizures and coma. This can eventually lead to a person’s death.
How do you get Japanese encephalitis?
Japanese encephalitis is not transmissible from human to human but spreads through the bite of a mosquito. The only mosquito that can transmit the disease is the culex mosquito. This mosquito is mainly found in the rice fields of South and East Asia and is active between sunset and sunrise.
What can you do to prevent Japanese encephalitis?
You can be vaccinated against Japanese encephalitis. Besides vaccination, it is important to take good mosquito precautions when travelling in high-risk areas. These include wearing clothing that covers you, applying a mosquito repellent such as DEET and sleeping under an (impregnated) mosquito net. Depending on your destination, how long you will stay in a high-risk area and the season in which you will travel, the risk of contracting Japanese encephalitis varies. Based on your travel plans, we will be happy to give you personal advice.
What protection does the Japanese encephalitis vaccination offer?
The vaccination against Japanese encephalitis consists of two doses. The second shot is given four weeks after the first shot. The vaccination provides two years of protection. A booster after that gives six years of protection.
How much will a Japanese encephalitis vaccination cost?
If you have (Dutch) supplementary health insurance, a Japanese encephalitis vaccination is in most cases covered by your health insurance. For more information on prices, please visit our prices page.
Questions or schedule an appointment?
Haven’t had a Japanese encephalitis vaccination before? Then keep in mind that there are four weeks between the two vaccinations. Therefore, book an appointment well in advance if you want to get the vaccination before travelling (whether or not to a high-risk area).
Do you have questions or would you like to book an appointment for a personal (travel)consultation? Use the button below, email us at info@vaccinatiecentrum.nl or call 085-9020303.