What is hepatitis B?
Hepatitis B is a viral infection of the liver that occurs all over the world. Usually, a person becomes ill 2 to 3 months after infection. Symptoms are often mild or completely absent. When a person does develop symptoms, they often include fatigue, fever and jaundice. In a small number of cases, hepatitis B causes serious complications that can be life-threatening. In a small number of people, the disease does not cure on its own. In these cases, the infection with hepatitis B becomes chronic. When the disease is chronic, it can affect the liver in the long term and cause liver cirrhosis and liver fibrosis.
How do you get hepatitis B?
The hepatitis B virus can be found in semen, pre-ejaculate, vaginal fluid and the blood of an infected person. This makes the virus transmissible through sexual contact or contact with blood from an infected person. The virus can also be transmitted from mother to child at birth. Contamination can occur even by a small amount of infected blood in a wound(s). Also consider tattooing, piercing or other medical/beauty treatments. If instruments are not cleaned or replaced properly between clients, this can also cause contamination. The risk of this is higher in countries with poor sanitation.
What can you do to prevent hepatitis B?
To protect yourself against hepatitis B, you can be vaccinated. It is also wise to wear a condom during sex. This will also protect you against HIV and other STIs. Always think carefully about medical or cosmetic (tattoos or piercings) treatments in places with poor sanitation. Based on your destination and health, we will be happy to give you personal advice.
What protection does the hepatitis B vaccination offer?
The hepatitis B vaccination consists of three shots. You receive the second vaccination one month after the first and the third dose is given six to 12 months after the first. After the vaccinations, you are protected for life.
If you are vaccinated because you are at an occupational risk (for example, for a job in healthcare), you often also have to have a blood check for your employer. This happens a month after the last vaccination. For travellers, this is not necessary.
If you are vaccinated against hepatitis B, you can also opt for a combination vaccine. This vaccine offers protection against both hepatitis A and B. Depending on your needs, we will be happy to give you personalised advice.
How much will a hepatitis B vaccination cost?
In some cases, a hepatitis B vaccination is covered by your basic health insurance. For this, you must meet a number of conditions. Do you want to get the vaccination because you are travelling? Then in most cases the vaccination is covered by your supplementary health insurance. For more information on our prices, please visit our prices page.
Questions or schedule an appointment?
Keep in mind that there is a total of six to 12 months between doses of the vaccine. Do you choose a combined vaccine with hepatitis A? Then there is at least one month between the first and second dose and 5 months between the second and third dose. Therefore, book an appointment well in advance if you want to get the vaccination because you will be traveling (whether or not to a high-risk area).
Do you have questions or would you like to book an appointment for a personal (travel)consultation? Use the button below, email us at info@vaccinatiecentrum.nl or call 085-9020303.