What is the difference between recommended vaccinations and mandatory vaccinations?
Recommended vaccines are advised/sensible to get vaccinated with. They protect you against infectious diseases that you are at risk of in the country of your destination. Mandatory vaccinations are required to enter a country or to apply for a visa. In this situation, you must provide proof to the embassy or customs that you have been vaccinated against a certain infectious disease.
Do I need vaccinations for a holiday destination close to home?
At some holiday destinations closer to home, you can be at risk to get infectious diseases. You can consider countries such as Turkey, Morocco, and Egypt. There are even vaccine-preventable infectious diseases in Northern Europe, such as tick-borne encephalitis. We advise you to check 6 to 8 weeks before departure whether vaccinations are required for your holiday destination.
Can I get vaccinated during pregnancy?
Many illnesses can have a more serious course than normal during pregnancy. Therefore, it is important to ask yourself whether you should make a trip to the (sub) tropics while you are pregnant. We especially advise you not to travel to countries where malaria occurs when you are pregnant, because malaria increases the risk of miscarriage.
It is also good to know that on a long flight you have a higher risk of complications such as thrombosis or embolisms. Always consult with your healthcare provider and midwife about the risks and precautions. If you nevertheless decide to go to the (sub) tropics, book an appointment for personalised advice well before departure.
Can children and infants be vaccinated safely?
Children starting from the age of 1 year can be safely vaccinated against hepatitis A and B. There are also special childhood vaccinations (national vaccination program), which in some cases mean that children require fewer vaccinations than adults. Young children are more susceptible to infectious diseases. Children under the age of 1 cannot receive all vaccinations, but there are exceptions. So, it is important to always book an appointment for personalised advice.
Do the vaccinations that my child receives through the national vaccination program provide sufficient protection against infectious diseases while on holiday?
The national vaccination program protects children against infectious diseases that occur in the Netherlands. The child is not automatically protected against all infectious diseases that occur outside the Netherlands. Additional vaccinations may be required. Book an appointment for more information.
Is it safe for children to use malaria tablets?
Malaria is a disease that you can get from mosquito bites. Depending on your travel destination, it is sometimes recommended that you take malaria tablets. Malaria can be more serious in children, which makes protection against malaria especially important. There are adapted dosages and administration methods for children. We always recommend making an appointment for children to see if malaria tablets are needed for the travel destination. If so, a prescription will be handed out during the appointment and an explanation will be given about adjusted dosages / method of administration.
I have heard you can get serious side effects from malaria tablets, is that right?
You can get side effects from malaria tablets. Nowadays there are more different types of malaria tablets available, with fewer side effects. Which malaria tablets you choose is personal and depends on the type of trip and the travel destination. It is important to take the prescribed malaria tablets correctly to prevent or reduce side effects. Your medical history also plays a role in whether you get side effects from malaria tablets. Given the risk of malaria in some destinations and the serious course of the disease, we think it is important that you book an appointment for personalised advice when you travel to countries where malaria occurs.
Can I get a (malaria) prescription for someone else?
Unfortunately, this is not possible. Everyone must book an appointment for this personally. Your medical situation is always taken in consideration.
If you already have experience travelling in areas where malaria is prevalent and are already known to us, in some cases a telephone consultation is sufficient. Please contact us to see if this applies to you.
Why do I have to pay consultation costs?
During a consultation, in addition to the necessary vaccinations/prescriptions, you will always receive personal travel advice based on (among other things) the travel destination, the nature and length of your trip and your medical background. We give out this personal advice to ensure that you leave prepared and protected. The advice is given by one of our traveller nurses, who are all well trained, BIG and LCR registered. The consultation costs include administration fees, employees’ wages, the costs for renting the premises, taking care of the management and stocking of the vaccines, costs of electronic patient files, training, and refresher courses for traveller nurses, etc.
When should I get vaccinated?
We recommend booking an appointment 6 to 8 weeks before departure. By booking an appointment in time, you prevent stress and other inconveniences just before departure. If you are treated with drugs that suppress the immune system, or do you have reduced immunity due to a condition? If possible, please contact us well before 8 weeks before departure.
Did you book last minute so that you could not have made an appointment earlier? This does not have to be a problem since most vaccinations can still be given just before departure. You can also start with malaria tablets just before departure most of the time. Always book an appointment to travel as protected as possible.
Do I need to get vaccinated against an infectious disease that I have had in the past?
It depends on what illness you have gone through. From individuals who have experienced a hepatitis A infection (jaundice), we know that after infection, there are generally enough antibodies present for lifelong protection. If you are not sure whether you have had the disease, a blood test can be done to see if there are antibodies in your blood. Contact us for more information or book an appointment for personalised advice.
Can I get vaccinated if I am sick?
A minor cold is not harmful, but if you have complaints that are accompanied by a fever, it is better to postpone the vaccinations. Are u not sure? Please do not hesitate to contact us.
Can I get vaccinated when I am on antibiotics?
This depends on why you are taking antibiotics. Please contact us or consult the general practitioner / attending physician.
Can I get vaccinated while on medication (due to a condition)?
This depends on which type of medication you are on and for which condition(s). It is useful to bring a printout of an up-to-date list of medication to the appointment (available at your local pharmacy). This way, the nurse can give you a personal advice during the appointment based on your medical background. If you take drugs that suppress the immune system, or if you are known to have a reduced resistance due to a condition, if possible, please contact us well before 8 weeks before departure.
Does vaccination hurt?
Vaccinations are not completely painless. You feel a sting through the needle. But usually, it is not the injection that can be painful, but rather the liquid from the vaccine. Most people often find it less painful than expected.
I have a fear for injection, can I also get pills instead of an injection?
Most vaccines cannot be replaced by pills. In some cases, oral vaccines are available for typhoid and polio. Discuss your fear while booking the appointment and during the consultation with the nurse. This allows us to take the fear into account as much as possible and support you. The fact that you have a fear of injection should not be a reason to travel unprotected. In some cases, it may happen that people have fainted in the past during a vaccination or other medical procedure. Indicate this during the appointment. It is possible to get the vaccine administered while lying down. This often helps against fainting. In addition, it is useful if you have eaten something in advance. Finally, it can be helpful to receive mental support from a loved one, so do not come alone in such cases. This way we/you know for sure that you will get home safely after the appointment. All our nurses are very experienced in vaccinating.
Would you like more information, including information about our special ‘fear of needles’ consultation? Then have a look at our special page about fear of needles.
Will the vaccinations affect me afterwards?
All vaccines can have side effects. In general, you may have a local reaction at the site of the injection (pain in the arm). This can last for several hours to days. With some vaccinations you can get flu-like symptoms and fever. Serious or lasting complaints are rare. If the side effects are unusual, please contact us or your doctor.
What are shingles and can I get vaccinated against them?
Shingles is a contagious skin disease characterized by the formation of painful blisters on one side of the body. A vaccine is available that will help prevent shingles and nerve pain after shingles. This vaccine, called Shingrix, is available at vaccinatiecentrum.nl. You can read more about this on the page Shingles.
What is HPV and can I get vaccinated against it?
HPV stands for Human Papillomavirus. In total, there are more than 100 HPV-types. Some of these are high-risk HPV types and can cause various cancers, such as cancer of the vagina, labia, anus, penis, mouth or pharynx. Vaccination in many cases prevents infection with this virus and also helps to clear the virus (virus is no longer present). This means that vaccination is suitable and useful for everyone of all ages. You can read more about this on the page HPV vaccin.
What are pneumococcal infections, and can I get vaccinated against them?
Pneumococcal disease is a collective term for diseases that mainly cause respiratory infections. This can lead to pneumonia. This is an important complication and also a cause of death in the case of the flu or corona. Vaccination is possible with different vaccines in different ways. For good advice on this, a conversation with one of our travel nurses is recommended. You can read more about this on the page about Pneumococcal disease.
What is the duration of protection of a vaccination?
This varies by vaccine and some vaccinations require more vaccinations to ensure full / long-term protection. You can read more about this on the page All Vaccinations.