What is cholera?
Cholera is an intestinal infection caused by the bacterium Vibrio cholerae. Cholera often starts with sudden vomiting, lots of watery diarrhoea and sometimes abdominal pain. Because of the watery diarrhoea, a person with cholera can quickly become dehydrated. Generally, people do not get very sick and recover on their own.
How do you get cholera?
The disease spreads mainly through the contaminated faeces of infected people and is predominantly found in South Asia, Africa, South America and the Gulf of Mexico. People can contract it by eating or drinking contaminated food. Eating seafood is particularly risky because the bacteria accumulate in it. This is because the bacteria attach to plankton and end up in seafood this way.
What can you do to prevent cholera?
You can be vaccinated against cholera. In high-risk areas, be careful what you eat and drink. Based on your destination and health, we will be happy to give you personal advice.
Do I still need to get a cholera stamp??
In the past, when travelling to certain African countries, you had to show on arrival that you had a cholera stamp in your vaccination booklet. This is now no longer compulsory. However, you can get vaccinated against cholera.
What protection does the cholera vaccination offer?
At vaccinatiecentrum.nl, we offer two different cholera vaccines (Dukoral and VaxChora). Both of these are oral vaccines. This means you take it in the form of a drink.
- Dukoral consists of two doses taken one to six weeks apart. Depending on your age, the vaccine’s protection is 50-80% and lasts for two years.
- VaxChora consists of one dose and provides 3 to 6 months of protection.
Which vaccine is best suited to you depends on your personal circumstances and travel plans.
How much will a cholera vaccination cost?
If you have supplementary health insurance, a cholera vaccination is usually covered by your health insurance. Check with your health insurance company whether the vaccination is (partially) covered.
For more information on the price of a vaccination, please visit our prices page.
Questions or schedule an appointment?
Keep in mind that there should be one to six weeks between doses of the cholera vaccine. Therefore, book an appointment well before the start of your trip.
Do you have questions or would you like to book an appointment for a personal (travel)consultation? Use the button below, email us at info@vaccinatiecentrum.nl or call 085-9020303.
Please note!
This vaccine is generally available within a few days but is not always in stock at every location. Please contact us by phone before your appointment.