What is chickenpox?
Chickenpox is caused by a virus. 95% of children in the Netherlands become infected with the chickenpox virus during their childhood. When infected, they may develop mild flu-like symptoms and after one or two days, red bumps will appear on the skin. The blisters that appear afterwards cause a lot of itching. After about 10 days the symptoms disappear and after seven days the blisters dry up. In most cases, people do not get very ill; sometimes serious complications such as encephalitis can develop.
The chickenpox virus remains in the body and can become active again later in life. The virus can then cause shingles.
How do you get chickenpox?
Chicken pox is highly contagious and is transmitted by coughing, sneezing and talking. A person is contagious as early as two days before the blisters appear; this continues until all the blisters have a scab. A person can also become infected through contact with the fluid from the blisters.
What can you do to prevent chickenpox?
It is difficult to protect yourself from chickenpox. This is because a person is contagious two days before symptoms appear. You can get vaccinated against chickenpox.
What protection does the chickenpox vaccination offer?
The chickenpox vaccination consists of two shots and can be given from the age of 12 months. The second dose is given four weeks after the first dose. The vaccination provides protection for at least 14 years.
How much will a chickenpox vaccination cost?
The cost of a chickenpox vaccination is in some cases covered by your health insurance. Check with your health insurance company whether the vaccination is (partially) covered. For more information on prices, please visit our prices page.
Questions or schedule an appointment?
Do you have questions or would you like to book an appointment for a personal consultation? Use the button below, email us at or call 085-9020303.
Please note!
This vaccine is generally available within a few days but is not always in stock at every location. Please contact us by phone before your appointment.