Cervical cancer (HPV)
Cervical cancer can be caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV). In total, there are more than 100 HPV types. Some of these are high-risk HPV types which can cause (preliminary stages of) several types of cancer. There are also low-risk HPV types that can cause other illnesses such as genital warts.
The most common type of cancer caused by HPV is cervical cancer. HPV can also cause cancer in the vagina, labia, anus, penis, mouth or pharynx. Every year, nearly 1,000 women and 500 men in the Netherlands get cancer caused by the human papillomavirus.
How do you get HPV?
HPV is sexually transmitted and highly contagious. 80-90% of people are infected with HPV once in their lifetime. Often this is without symptoms. Sometimes the virus is not neutralised by the body and remains present in the body. This can lead to cancer or genital warts.
What can you do to prevent HPV?
In the Netherlands, the HPV vaccination for children is part of the National Vaccination Programme (RVP). Girls turning 13 receive an invitation to get two free HPV vaccinations. However, the vaccine used within the RVP does not protect against genital warts. Since 2022, girls as well as boys turning 9 years old will receive the vaccination.
If you have not yet had the HPV vaccination but are not eligible for a vaccination through the RVP, you can be vaccinated at vaccinatiecentrum.nl. You can also be vaccinated at our clinic if you want to be protected against more types of the HPV virus than the vaccination via the RVP provides.
What protection does the HPV vaccination offer?
The human papillomavirus vaccination consists of two doses. There is six months between the two doses. The vaccine provides at least 7.5 years of protection, as far as is known now. The vaccine we use at vaccinatiecentrum.nl offers protection against more types of HPV than the vaccine used in the National Vaccination Programme.
What are the side effects of an HPV vaccination?
The HPV vaccination may cause mild side effects. For example, the injection site may be painful, red or swollen. You may also experience itching or muscle pain around the injection site. Some people have mild flu symptoms after the vaccination, such as fever, fatigue, headache, abdominal pain and nausea.
How much will an HPV vaccination cost?
For more information on the prices of an HPV vaccination, please visit our prices page.
Questions or schedule an appointment?
Do you have questions or would you like to book an appointment for a personal consultation? Use the button below, email us at info@vaccinatiecentrum.nl or call 085-9020303.